Monday, November 5, 2012

7 months.

My sweet Jaxen Tyler is already 7 months!
He weighs 18 pounds 13 ounces and is 27 inches tall. He sits up completely by himself now and entertains himself for hours playing with his toys.
He absolutely loves to be outside! No matter the weather, he is up for it. We take his walker outside and he just has a ball. He explores everything from the crispy fall leaves to the birds chirping.

Jax is eating quite a variety these days. He loves eating with us at the table and exploring new flavors. He still has a favorite of bananas. He really is a good eater, but sometimes we have to trick him with hiding some of the vegetables in with some fruit. We have started practicing using a sippy cup and he is doing quite well considering we just started.

He now is attending daycare 5 days a week due to us working. I cannot get over how much he enjoys going. Everytime I come pick him up, he is always so content playing with the other babies and then greets me with the biggest smile. The teachers are so good with him there. They say he is always happy and never fusses unless he gets hungry. That's what I like to hear! They also do small crafts with them and send it home. I just love seeing what he does! I'm so truly blessed we found a place that is so close to home and somewhere we trust and love.



Dear Jaxen.

Dear Jaxen,

Oh baby boy, why are you growing up so fast? I kind of want to sit in the corner and look at pictures from the day you were born and cry a little bit. I was excited for you to turn 6 months old, but now you're officially past that and onto 7. You are so smart. You are so incredibly happy all the time. You can always put the biggest smile on my face and turn anyways day completely around. I am so beyond blessed to call you mine. I love you to the moon and back.

