Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adding lots of play to our day.

Jaxen is coming up on five months. He is already quite the little explorer with site and sound. He always has a huge smile on his face for anyone that is around him. He is the happiest baby I've ever been around and I couldn't be more blessed.

We've been talking about starting to throw more toys into his day so he can develop more motor and cognitive skills. We purchased his first "big" toy, a Baby Einstein exersaucer, this past weekend. He is in love with this thing, and that's putting it lightly! He is already starting to reach for the different toys on it and trying to play. So proud!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Family Favorite: Chipotle Chicken Croquettes with Spicy Mustard Sauce

I got this recipe from Eat Yourself Skinny. You should definitely check out this site. A lot of great recipes tweeked to a healthy version.

I'm always trying to find new things to make with chicken and something different for dinner. I discovered this recipe along with many others and had to give it ago. It was a huge hit for our family!

Chipotle Chicken Croquettes with Spicy Mustard Sauce
2 tbsp butter, divided
1/3 cup minced red bell pepper
1/3 cup minced orange bell pepper
1/3 cup minced onion
3 cupes chopped cooked chicken
1 1/2 cupes whole wheat panko breadcrumbs
1/2 cup light mayo
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbsp chipotle mustard
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Mrs. Dash southwest chipotle seasoning
1 tsp seasoned salt

Spicy Mustard Sauce

1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup light mayo
1/2 cup light sour cream
1 tbsp chipotle mustard
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp Mrs. Dash southwest chipotle seasoning

For the sauce, whisk all ingredients in a small bowl and chill in the fridge for about 2 hours before serving.

Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Add minced bell peppers and onion. Saute for about 5 minutes or until tender.

In a large bowl, combine together the chopped cooked chicken, breadcrumbs, and bell pepper mixture and set aside. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the mayo, eggs, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, seasonings, and salt. Add to the chicken mix, tossing to combine. For the mixture into patties.

In a large skillet, melt the rest of the butter over medium heat. Cook the chicken croquettes until browned, about 3-5 minutes on each side. Serve with the spicy mustard sauce and ta da...enjoy!

I forgot to take a picture of the spicy mustard sauce, but it is soooo good. I added a extra drop or two of the chipotle mustard and Mrs. Dash southwest chipotle seasoning to mine to give it an extra punch! I found it's been a great dip for other meats as well.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Who am I?

I feel like a propper introduction would be appropriate here on my blog so here you go!

My blog is simply about my life, my son, and my adventures as a new mom and learning all the ropes in parenting. Chapter one was my childhood and teenage years. It was a fun chapter and I learned a WHOLE LOT. I had many great experiences, good friends, and fun times. Chapter two I was introduced to Tyler and we hit it off. It's basically me spending my life with someone I truly love, learning new thing, and oh, getting engaged! Now we're on our new chapter. Chapter three. It's babies! So far this is my favorite chapter of all. I love my little man to the moon and back. He is the reason I wake up every morning and strive to be the absolute best I can be. I started this blog as means for family and friends to keep up with our life and our little one.

But incase you are reading... I'm Jennifer. Early twenties and engaged to the love of my life - a handsome, super dad named Tyler. Together we have a four month old son, Jaxen Tyler. He is our whole life and we couldn't be happier. We also have a incredibly unique red nose pit bull named Kaos. Fits him perfectly. He was technically our "first born".

A few of my favorite things include: DIY projects, photography, writing, cooking (still learning), Pinterest, Target, decorating, and reading. I want at least one more child and if we don't have a little girl I am determined to try until we get one! My favorite holidays are Christmas, Halloween, and St. Patrick's Day. I love small roadtrips and exploring new things. I absolutely love the zoo. I enjoy making things and trying to turn old junk into something new and exciting. And whenever we decide to buy a house, I want at least 75% of it to be used items turned into something fun to fit our style.

You'll learn more about me as I post more on the blog. Until then, hope this gives you somewhat of an idea of who I am and what I'm about.


My little mister.

My first post! I decided I'd dedicate this one to a very special little mister, my sweet boy, Jaxen Tyler. He made his debut into this world on April 4, 2012 at 4:04 pm. 4-4 at 4:04? The boy loves the number 4 apparently. He was a whopping 8 pounds and 14 ounces and 21 inches long. He had big blue eyes that melted hearts and such a sweet, soft touch. He forever has changed our lives.

It's now August and my little man just turned 4 months old. Seriously? When they said time flies, I should have believed them. We fall more and more in love with him each and every day. It's truly a beautiful thing.

Some Stats
Jaxen is weighing in at 15 pounds 5 ounces and 25 inches long. He's in the fifty percentile all the way across the boards. The doctors advise he is as healthy as he can be! He is wearing a size 3-6 months in most brands of clothing. He still manages to squeeze into some 0-3 months, but not for very much longer. Shoes aren't a big hit yet, but he still ranges from a size 1 to 2 in most.

No teeth yet, but you sure are showing major signs of teething. He is constantly drooling and chewing on your little hands. I sometimes let him gnaw on my finger so I can get a good feel as to what is going on in there. He has a really hard bite! And I can feel some hard spots in there, so he will be popping out some big pearly whites before we all know it.

Jaxen is currently eating 5 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours. We sometimes have rice cereal which he is still unsure of. Sometimes he eats it, sometimes he doesn't. We have only tried a few different kinds of purees. He does like applesauce pretty well, but his absolute favorite is carrots! Honestly, I'm quite surprised. He goes after his carrots more than anything else I've noticed. We also tried peas, but he wasn't having that. I'm going to reintroduce them in a couple more days. He is such a messy eater, but a very quick learner and good with a spoon.

Oh, he is learning. He has only slept through the night once. And it was the best night ever. His last feeding is around 9-9:30, which usually lasts him until about 3 or 4 in the morning. He seems like he is a light sleeper and wakes up with the littlest noise. We keep our house pretty quiet so he can sleep well and not be disturbed. He takes about two hour to an hour and a half long naps a day.

He loves to laugh and smile! He's also so happy and giving everyone a big smile. He plays on his activity mat and is starting to reach and grab for things. His main toy is his hands... he loves to chew on them. Another big hit is cartoons. Only certain cartoons such as Elmo and Clifford The Big Red Dog catches his attention and he will babble and yell at the TV screen. We've been introducing some teethers and rattlers to him, but he hasn't taken much interest just yet. He is always pretty content just laying on a blanket on the floor looking around at everyone.

I can't believe how fast he is growing! Stay turned for more updates each month.
