Thursday, September 20, 2012

A working mother.

The days of getting to sleep in with my little man and enjoy each day just playing and doing whatever we please has come to an end. The roles have changed and I am a full time working mama now. I'm working at the Pediatric Clinic we take Jaxen to and I absolutely love it there! Everyone is so sweet and I truly do love working with the kiddos.

I loved staying home with Jaxen. It was extra bonding time. We played all day and had lots of giggles and smiles. It's best for our family that I take on a full time job, though, so that I shall do! He is in excellent hands with Tyler and I have no doubt in my time that the two of them are having loads of fun everyday.
I do miss seeing this sweet face all day, but that just means more cuddle time when I get home.

5 months

Oh my gosh, I am so behind! Jaxen turned 5 months on the 4th. That fact brings tears to my eyes. I have to take a moment to brag, though. He is honestly the best child I have been around. This boy is always, always happy. He always displays a smile on his sweet little face for anyone and everyone. He hardly ever sheds a tear. He even wakes up in the mornings cooing and babbling until we get out of bed to get him. He is truly an amazing gift from God.

We haven't had a doctor's appointment since early August so I'm not sure on Jaxen's exact weight. He is super long though! He has now mastered rolling over on his own. He babbles all the time and it's the sweetest thing.
He recently said the word "dada" and Tyler is just eating every bit of that up. I think it's cute. We got a video of him saying it, finally! Jaxen usually stops talking and smiling once the cameras come out so this took quite a bit of persuasion. :-)